Zinc not only protects steel from rust, but it is an essential trace element for the human body

It has long been known that zinc is essential for its immune function, healing of wounds, digestion, kidney function, breathing, reproductive system, control of diabetes, etc..

In the fight against diabetes, the University of Helsinki, Lund and Oxford have opened a new hope in the fight against diabetes type 2 that seems to be caused by a genetic DNA mutation in a gene (SLC 30A 8) which serves to produce a protein which transports the zinc in the pancreas.

Pending developments must be remembered that the daily diet, according to the World Health Organization should contain zinc in the following sizes:

  • 12 mg / day for women
  • 15 mg / day for men
  • 7-11 mg / day for children

Zinc is present in nature, there is in the air, water and soil. It is continuously transported in the environment as a result of soil erosion processes, forest fires, aerosol formation from the sea, vulcanic eruption.

For workers such as electric arc hot dip galvanizers and brass makers, an excess of Zinc can cause a momentary fever (fever dell'ottoniere) that lasts a few hours and that immunizes the operator. Zinc, unlike other metals, it does not accumulate in the body, because its excess is excreted from the body through perspiration.

Zinc. Effects for the good health of the human body

Besides being the most effective tool against corrosion of iron, Zinc with Iron, Magnesium and Copper, It is an essential trace element in the human body.

Associated with Vitamin C, It helps prevent respiratory infections or at least a cold, as well as accelerate healing. In the presence of Coronavirus, is this a reason that leads many doctors to prescribe supplements to Zn?

After the 50 years, Zinc, it is important for its action in the pituitary, "Director of the whole hormonal system", which ensures efficiency and energy, so it is an important supplement to stay in shape.

Spraying Zinc electric arc on grateThe human body contains 2-3 grams of Zinc which is essential for good health, as it is responsible for the proper functioning of 300 enzymes and is vital to the immune system, reproductive and neurological.

The recommended daily intake of zinc, according to the World Health Organization, is 12 mg / day for women, 15 mg / day for men and 7-11 mg / day for children.

Many creams are commonly used to protect the skin from the intensity of solar radiation are based on zinc, as well as creams used to prevent skin irritations of infants.