In the ARKONA marine wind farm in the Baltic Sea, for the first time extensive use was made of TSA (Thermal Spraying of Aluminum) for corrosion protection, not only of the emerged parts, but also of the submerged ones (foundations), using coatings of 350 microns of aluminum, followed by sealing resins.
Traditionally in marine wind farms, only the emerged parts were protected with a layer of 100 microns of Zn/Al 85/15, plus two components of 120 microns of epoxy paints and 80 microns of polyurethane paints.
The main reasons for the widespread use of the TSA were:
- Durata > 40 years for the first maintenance (the ISO 2023:2012 predicts 25 years for thicknesses of 225 microns of Al in CX environments);
- Reduction of manufacturing costs due to the automation of the metallization process with Al and to the lower formation of the over-spray;
- Unlike organic coatings, TSA secures the facility – due to the anodic effect – even in cases of damage, lengthening the life and reducing maintenance that, based on experience, they have a cost 50-100 times higher than onshore.
Per info:
Our OSU-Hessler automatic electric arc metallization systems have been used by Vestas for years (Denmark).